Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Vacation Day 3

This morning we went down to the shore to throw rocks in the lake.

Mommy made a G with rocks.

Daddy and Grace found cool rocks to throw in the water.

Grace enjoyed climbing on the big rocks.

After a nap we went to lunch at Canal Park/Harbour and watched boats come in and out. Grace loved watching the bridge go up and down to let the ships through.

She chased the pigeons.

But the highlight of her day for sure was... getting ice from the ice machine at the hotel! We don't even use ice but she is fascinated with filling the bucket. All the way back to the room she shows everyone she passes her ice.

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1 comment:

  1. Grace, I see you were having fun throwing rocks in the lake at Brighton Beach. That was our first favorite beach, so we are glad that you enjoyed playing along the shore of Lake Superior.
    Nana and Papa
