Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Silly Monkey!

Apparently toys are more fun when you play with them IN the toybox.

New Pajamas!

I got Grace some new pajamas when she outgrew all her old ones. This pair of pajamas has a tutu skirt to go with it and wings on the back of the shirt. It was just so cute I had to get her picture in them.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

First Library Card

Our big girl got her first library card on Tuesday night. Nana will be especially proud. Grace loved her card so much she carried it around all evening and threw a fit when I took it away at bedtime.


Grace and Grandpa at Ribfest.
Grace and Mommy at Ribfest.
Daddy and Fried Twinkie at Ribfest.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Bubble Beard

Grace slipped in the tub and fell face first into the bubbles. When she sat up she had a bubble beard and thought it was pretty funny!

First Concert

Grace went with Mommy, Daddy and Nana Baden to her first concert... Bob Dylan! It was at the Salt Dogs Stadium and the heat index was 115 degrees. Grace was a trooper for about 2 hours before we had to call Grammy to come get her and take her home. Besides the music she enjoyed watching all the people and eating ice cream!!

First Pony Tail

Check out Gracie's first pony tail!!

Mac and Cheese

Grace's first experience with a major staple of an American diet... Kraft Mac and Cheese!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Lincoln Children's Zoo

On Wednesday Gracie got to go to the Lincoln Children's Zoo with Ellie, Clara, and Marti. They are the girls that Katrina took care of for many years. Now they are so big that they can help take care of Gracie. Grace LOVED all the attention!The cutest butterfly ever...
Look Dad...
Hanging out on the spider web climbing structure...
Gracie and her buddies Clara, Marti, and Ellie...
It's exhausting having that much fun...

Omaha Zoo

Monday Gracie visited the Omaha Zoo with Mommy, Daddy, and Grammy. She LOVED the penguins and squealed with joy when we turned the corner and she saw them. We even rode the big train.