Wednesday, September 30, 2009

First ER Trip

Gracie had her first trip to the ER last night. She has been crabby for a few days and really restless at night. All day yesterday she would cry and scream and scrunch up in pain. I thought she was just constipated so I tried lots of little tricks the dr. recommended, like apple juice and a bath and a suppository but nothing helped. By 9:00pm last night she was screaming almost non-stop and in incredible pain so the dr. said to take her to the ER. It turns out she is having a bad reaction to her formula which has a lot of iron in it. We switched her to a new formula and she is doing much better today. We also give her frequent suppositories and gas drops to help her be successful with her poopies. I'm not sure who the trip to the ER was more traumatic for, Gracie or Mommy!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Here is our little husker fan ready for the 300th sellout!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Give Me a Call

At the doctors office today Gracie wanted to remind everyone to give her (or her mom) a call to see how they're doing.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Grace's first tool box

I had to buy Grace a tool box, she won't be able to use it for awhile but it's nice to have it on our workbench.

Grace's Favorite Aunt and Uncle

Grace is excited to live only three house away from her favorite aunt and uncle, they can come over to feed and change her!

Come on out Tabby!

Tabby is a little freaked out about the new addition to our home, so she found a new place to hang out.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Wide Eyes!

Look at wide eyed Grace! Another one of our favorite photos.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Gracie's Footprints

Here is Gracie's first footprint until some fun painting project in preschool.

Feeding Gracie

Gracie is now taking in 35ml. She is a fast eater, it takes her 20 minutes to get that down, way to go pumpkin!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Grace is here!

Grace Elizabeth Baden was born Wednesday September 16th at 2:21pm. She weighed 6 pounds 1 ounce and was 19 inches long. She was taken to the NICU for assistance with breathing but is now breathing on her own. Mom is doing well and held Grace for the first time last night! Please enjoy the photos!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Is Tomorrow The Day?

We had our weekly checkup today. Grace was being a little stinker and wouldn't move for the test but everything else looked really good. Tomorrow morning {Wednesday} we have an amneo test at 7:45am at St. Elizabeth hospital. The results will tell us if Grace's lungs are fully developed. We should have the results by noon. If they are ready the dr. is planning to do the c-section tomorrow afternoon/evening. The c-section will be done at Bryan LGH East. We may have a baby within 24 hours! If the lungs aren't ready we'll wait about a week and have the c-section then. Stay tuned for upcoming baby news!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Today's Dr. Checkup

Grace and I had our weekly checkup today. We did the non-stress test again where I click every time she moves and the monitor keeps track of the movements and her heart rate. The nurse strapped on the monitor and Grace kicked so hard she kicked the monitor right off. She did this 4 or 5 times. Grace can kick her heal out so far that I can wrap my hand around her little foot. It's funny to watch and was pretty comical for the nurse and I today. Obviously her movements are strong and she passed that test in under five minutes. We had another ultra-sound and her fluid levels remain good. We're set to have the test for her lung development at the end of next week. If her lungs look good the dr. said I can have the next available surgery appointment which he says is usually within 1-2 days. That means we could have her sometime around Friday the 18th. If the lungs aren't developed we'll wait about another week before delivering. For now it's back to bed rest for another week or so. Next week will be a full week with dr. appts., tests, and possibly a delivery!!!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Grace's Nursery

We have Grace's nursery all set up at our new house. That was my first priority when we moved in. I didn't want to have Grace until everything was in its place for her. I don't recommend moving during the last month of a pregnancy when the nesting instinct is in full force. It's hard to nest when everything is out of place and you aren't allowed to lift anything to put it away. We're all set so Grace can come any time.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Baby Update

Grace and I had a weekly checkup yesterday. In the beginning we went to the dr. every 4 weeks, then 3 weeks, then 2 weeks. Now we are on to weekly checkups. I never thought this time would get here and now we are so close to meeting our little girl. We had our first non-stress test yesterday. This is done in high risk pregnancies or when the dr. detects complications. They hooked us up to monitors to measure fetal movement during a 20-60 min. period. I have a little clicker that I push every time the baby moves and it charts it on the fetal heart monitor. This way the dr. can see if the baby is in distress when it moves or if the heart rate remains stable. They like to monitor for 20-60 minutes to see enough movement to judge if the baby is ok. Grace was done in 3-4 minutes. She's a bit hyper! She had so many movements they didn't need to continue for the full time. The nurse and I joked that we may need to look into treatment of hyperactivity before long. Then we had an ultra-sound to check the fluid levels around the baby. They were perfect so we're good to go until next week when we repeat the tests. We're still planning to do the test on the lungs in two weeks to see if they are developed enough to deliver. That test should be around the 15th or so. If the lungs are ready the dr. said I can have the baby any day I want. That gives us less than two weeks to get ready for the big day. The nursery is all ready and we are settled into the new house so I guess all that's left is to add Grace to the picture!