Here's the latest in my series of Cute Conversations With An Almost 3 Year Old: Me: Let's watch the Olympics! Grace: That's not Olympics! That's basketball Me: I know! All these games are called Olympics, like running, swimming, basketball... Grace: Elephant chasing? Me: I don't think that's a sport yet, but maybe! Grace: I want to go there and play with them! Me: The Olympics are very far away and you have to fly a long time on a plane. Grace: I like planes! Me: The tickets for the plane ride are VERY expensive! Grace: I'll just take the train! Me: Good luck with that!
Cute conversation with Grace on Sat. night after she finished praying: Grace: Mommy, Where's God? Me: God is everywhere. Some people look up in the sky for God but you can't see God. You can feel God in your love! Grace: I don't believe it! Me: I believe it! God made the whole world; the mountains, the trees, the water, and people! Grace: Did God make my fishing pole? Me: Well, God made people and some people made your fishing pole! Grace: You have got to be kidding me!!! Me: I'm not kidding! Tomorrow I'm going to church to learn more about God and pray to him! Grace: Okay, I'll go with you! Me: Great! Good night!
Conversation with Grace: Me: Grace what did you have for lunch at Grandma's? Grace: You have to guess! Me: Milk? Grace: No Me: Juice? Grace: No Me: Water? Grace: No Me: I give up! What did you have? Grace: I can't remember! But you can call Grandma and ask her!
At 6:00 am Grace got up and was dragging her step stool into our master bath. I heard her getting into my makeup but figured I'd let her be since it was a bath morning anyway! Here's a video of Grace putting blush all over her face.