Our neighborhood association has an annual egg hunt. It was really cold so Grace just sat there. She was willing to put the eggs in her basket as long as we brought them to her... Can we say DIVA!? We emptied the eggs into the trunk of her little car that she drove to the egg hunt. Then she turned her eggs in for a bottle of bubbles! Score!
On Saturday Grace went to an egg hunt at Legacy Estates where her Great Grandma Davie lives. All the kids ran for the eggs and Grace promptly sat down and started collecting mulch. We tried several times to get Grace to grab and egg but the eggs just took up room in her basket. {Room that she needed for more mulch.} All the other kids went home with dozens of eggs full of mini candy bars. We came home with a bucket of mulch! Finally we just put some eggs in for her and let her play with the mulch. At the end of the egg hunt the kids got cookies and juice. I thought this cookie was too cute!
Saturday Gracie got an Easter basket from her Nana and Papa. Grace loved all the quarters in the eggs. The repetitive task of putting them in her piggy bank was just her thing! Aunt Lindsay {and Uncle Andy} gave Gracie an Easter present. A new outfit... ...and a bib that says "My Aunt Is The BEST!"
Grace and Mommy went swimming at Grammy's workout place. Once a month they have a family swim time in the therapy pool which is warm like bathtub water. Grace loved it. Grandpa came along to take photos.
Watching the big kids through the window before class. Grace is ready to go... Jumping on the little trampoline. Hanging on the rings with Mommy and her teacher Fox.
Jumping on the trampoline with her teacher Fox. Crawling out of the ring. Walking on the balance beam with Daddy. Hanging from the bar and kicking the bag with Mommy. Walking sideways on the parallel bars.
Grace loves wearing our glasses we got at a 3D movie. They are so big that she has to tip her nose up to keep them on. Watching her walk with them on {with her nose tipped up} is super funny...
Last night I had a meeting for work. When I got home Gracie met me at the gate at the top of the stairs and said, "Mommy... Mess!" without any prompting. I knew it had to be bad if she told me about it without being asked. I told her to show me the mess and she let me to the hallway where she pointed to ink pen scribbles all over the wall. She gave me a cute little grin. {I could just see her little wheels turning and thinking that a cute smile would make it all better!} I gave her a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser and had her scrub it off. Apparently while I was gone she was unloading my nightstand drawer. She loves to look through all my junk. I thought I had taken out everything dangerous and/or messy. I must have missed the pen...