Monday, March 28, 2011

Double Pigtails

Grace finally has enough hair to wear two pigtails. She now lets us put them in and actually leaves them in!!


Grammy and Grandpa were staying in a hotel for 5 days while their kitchen was being remodeled. We were lucky because the hotel had a pool and we were home on spring break! We got to go swimming a couple times.
One day our friend Gabby joined us.
Grace's Aunt Kiley came too {Mommy's cousin}. Grace lights up when she sees her Aunt Kiley.
Grace LOVED being in the pool.
Silly girl...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dip, Dip, Dip!

Daddy taught Grace that you should dip french fries in sauce before eating them. Now she insists on dipping everything when we go out to eat. Here's a quick video of Grace's dipping skills. She doesn't actually eat the food... just sucks the sauce off and redips. She hasn't learned the social grace of not double dipping.

Climbing Castle!

Grace got a new climbing structure {a castle} for our yard.

Outside Toys!

The weather turned nice and when we went out to play we realized we had no outside toys. Grace was playing with an old bucket and rocks from our rock garden. That was fun for a day or two but then we decided to get her some outside toys. She got a t-ball stand and a golf club set.

The Sandbox

Since it's spring break Grace and Daddy decided to build a sandbox.
Grace helped by hammering the dirt.
Grace enjoyed playing in her new sandbox.
Aunt Lindsay came over to see Grace's new sandbox.
We tried to get Grace to go in the sandbox barefoot but she freaked out and insisted on wearing socks. She didn't like the feeling of the sand on her toes.


Grace listening to Mommy read a story

Children's Museum

Grace and Mommy spent the afternoon at the Children's Museum. Grace's favorite thing was the big semi. She loves trucks and buses right now.

Peacock Hair!

After taking her ponytail out Grace has peacock hair.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day

"Hey Mom... This thing on my head is fun!"

"Seriously Mom... I've had enough of this thing on my head!"

"Fine Mom... I'll wear this stupid thing if I can have my Binkie!"

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Shopping Helper!

Here is a clip of Grace shopping at Hy Vee grocery store.


Grace and I went shopping after work. We only needed a few things so I let her push a kiddie cart and load the items. She reminded me of a bull in a china shop. Her driving skills need some refinement before she gets a license I'm afraid... Everyone stopped and commented what a "cute little shopper" she was. We got to the register with only a few extra items that I hadn't intended on buying. {3 Cadbury Chocolate Eggs that she got from a bin and bit into before I could put them back}

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Grace's Surprised Face

Grace started making this "surprised" face today. We managed to get her to do it for the camera.

Cutest Puppy Ever!

"Did you guys get a puppy?" asks Tabby...
Nope... It's just Gracie... The cutest puppy ever!

I Just Can't Wait One More Second!

Grace and I went to the store. I tried to sneak her favorite snack item {puffs} into the cart. It was no use. She saw them. I told her she could have them when we got home. As you can see in the photos above she couldn't wait one second longer. As soon as we got in the door she got into the sack and got them out.

I Love My Daddy!