We gave Gracie her first Gerber baby cookie. We didn't realize what a mess it would make. Grace is learning to eat finger foods. She now has 6 teeth {4 on top, 2 on bottom}. She actually did a pretty good job with it. She used her front teeth to bite off a piece. After that she just sucked on it and crumbled it all over the floor. We'll try again tomorrow... on the tiled floor.
Here are some cute pics. of Gracie during her bath time. You can really see her personality in the top two pics. In the last two pics. she is chewing on her "captain" that is part of the boat bath toy set she has. She loves the "captain".
Gracie and Mommy spent the day together on Saturday... just the girls! The day included a trip to the Children's Zoo. It was over 100 degrees heat index and very humid. Gracie only lasted about 30 min. at the zoo but the trip ended with a fun train ride. Grace's favorites were the naked mole rats and the butterfly pavilion.
On Friday night Grace, Mommy, Daddy, Nana Baden, Aunt Sarah, and Great Grandma Jean went to an all cello string quartet on the lawn of a winery. Grace was the youngest attendee and really enjoyed the music. The top photo is of Grace with her Aunt Sarah as they read the program together.
Grace's new trick is to blow really hard when her mouth is full. Grace says, "What?... I think it's rather cute!" "I really don't see what the fuss is all about mom!" Can you guess what happened next?