Our baby made it known for the first time Friday night that it is really in there! I was trying to go to sleep and kept sensing the strangest feelings in my belly. It moved from one side of my belly to the other and felt like a tiny paint brush painting the inside of my belly. After I finally realized what it was it was really exciting and kind of weird. I feel the baby move most at night. I suppose it's because that's when I'm the stillest and paying the most attention. My mom said before long I won't have to wonder if it's the baby or not. It'll kick so hard it'll be obvious. My brother said maybe it really does have a paint brush in there and it'll be an artist.
I'm currently on leave from work for three weeks. One week down... two to go. I was so sick and weak that my dr. and I decided I needed to take it easy for a while. At my four month checkup I was down under my prepregnancy weight so I'm trying hard to rest and keep everything down so I gain weight by my next checkup {which is this coming Wednesday}. I've never had a problem gaining weight. It seems strange to have a dr. get on me about needing to gain more weight. The rest seems to be helping. I haven't been sick in a week {a major record in this pregnancy}. We seem to have found a winning combination of medication and as long as I rest I do good. I go back to work on the 18th of May and will have 13 days of teaching before summer. This summer I am working on my graduate degree but my class is all online. That means I don't have to try and find parking on campus and walk six blocks when I'm seven months pregnant! I can work from the comfort of my airconditioned home!